Monday, February 20, 2017

Viewing Metadata Properties within HFM

For HFM admins, making life easier is about automating something, a new calculation, faster consolidation, etc. But for end users, making life easier tends to be about simple stuff. Show me something quick that can make my life easier.

One of the questions end users have is what are the attributes of this account, entity, etc. - the metadata properties. For years administrators have put this information out to Excel files (the HFM Toolbox utility for versions before was great at this).

But within HFM itself, there are some things that can be done.

In the mid 2000s a field was added to the accounts called Calculation Attribute. It provides 100 characters or so for the admin to type in how an account is calculated. The history for this goes back to Hyperion Enterprise that would show the calculation for a calculated account in the Data View window. In HFM right-click a cell (data grid or form), select Cell Information and you'll see the Account Calculation Attribute if it has been provided.

That's all well and good, but what about the metadata attributes? Asset or liability? What custom dimension top members? For this information, there is a simple solution. Right-click the metadata item (I'm using account ROA in the rows here) and select Member Properties.

Once selected, a popup appears with all of the information an end user would want to know. The screenshot does not show all of the attributes, but they are all there.

So simple and available from grids and forms (but unfortunately not Smart View).

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

HFM PSU released

The 204 PSU was released today for HFM Below is the list of defects fixed in the patch. Personally, I'm glad to see the issue with extracting data to an Oracle database requiring TNSNAMES getting fixed. This has been a thorn in my side at my current project.

Have fun patching!

Defects Fixed in this patch

Defect Number
Lcm epmhfm-66115: an error occurred reading metadata file content for data form

Hfm journal report:turkish characters are not exported correctly

Email alert doesn't work on entity security class
New option to limit number of concurrent consolidations per user action
Hfm application crashing when using fdmee data extracts
Cannot run consolidation after applying hfm patch from taskflow
Issue with grid-invalid intersection in the pov with psu 203
Getting an error "an invalid security key was specified" in system messages
Consolidations running server out of memory
Submitting cell text in data forms does not work in smartview
Ic reports aborts running reports concurrently

Overlap consolidation is running for wrong parent in process control grid

Error retrieving datagrid in api sample code

Non admin users are not able to see their "running tasks"
Process level can be promoted even though validation fails
Unknown error happens in metadata load and application crashes
Cannot delete security class from shared services for hfm epmaapp
User getting adf_faces-60097 error opening hfm application from ie11
Hfm application opens to white screen after doing opening journal form filter.
Metadataom.findmembers() returns the member instead of null
Hfm process crashing on startup on exalytics
Hang up in active not turn into failure when stage has an issue like no data file
Hfm dsn export not exporting all member descriptions
Not possible to override system settings - name field in override window is empty
No access/metadata issues when accessing smartview(recurring issue)
Filtering does not work in data audit
Intercompany report uses the wrong column width settings
Unable to promote the entity to next level if using a system defined memberlist
Unable to transform classic hfm linux app to epma
Extract data to oracle db requires tnsnames
Cannot select books when creating related contents in hfm